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Bury the Blade Chapter 1 https://thecrowdfundingcenter.com/v/375BD6
Making the comic Bury the Blade come true - Bury the Blade Chapter 1Bury the Blade is a dark medieval-style comic about a young girl who loses her family in a raid and the stranger that takes her unde...
Making the comic Bury the Blade come true - Bury the Blade Chapter 1Bury the Blade is a dark medieval-style comic about a young girl who loses her family in a raid and the stranger that takes her unde ...
Making the comic Bury the Blade come true - Bury the Blade Chapter 1Bury the Blade is a dark medieval-style comic about a young girl who loses her family in a raid and the stranger that takes her under his wing. This is the start of a story I've been wanting to tell for over 10 years. In 2021 I started working on it, among my other art work, and the first chapter is now complete. Who are you though?I've always done art. Ever since I can remember, I've loved drawing, and creating in general. But as I was growing up