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Sentinel V - Pilot Episode https://thecrowdfundingcenter.com/v/39D9CD
Seeking funds to film the pilot episode of the original Sci-Fi series, Sentinel V. - Welcome to Sentinel V!Thank you for stopping by! I am a director, writer, producer, sound designer, and voice actor...
Seeking funds to film the pilot episode of the original Sci-Fi series, Sentinel V. - Welcome to Sentinel V!Thank you for stopping by! I am a director, writer, producer, sound designer, and voice actor ...
Seeking funds to film the pilot episode of the original Sci-Fi series, Sentinel V. - Welcome to Sentinel V!Thank you for stopping by! I am a director, writer, producer, sound designer, and voice actor. That's a lot, I know. But most of all, I love well written television series and films. Over the last few years, my company Linkt Productions has produced many audio projects as well as providing ADR services for a major Bollywood film. I have also been a sound recordist on commercial projects and an associate producer on a feature film. And finally, in 2024 I directed my