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PLAYtoGrow: Infinity Tools to build Utopia https://thecrowdfundingcenter.com/v/3971X3
Seeding Permaculture Learning Spaces with Infinity Tools: Project start in Uganda (English / German) - DEUTSCHE VERSION WEITER UNTEN! Saving the world with permaculture!? With our pilot proj...
Seeding Permaculture Learning Spaces with Infinity Tools: Project start in Uganda (English / German) - DEUTSCHE VERSION WEITER UNTEN! Saving the world with permaculture!? With our pilot proj ...
Seeding Permaculture Learning Spaces with Infinity Tools: Project start in Uganda (English / German) - DEUTSCHE VERSION WEITER UNTEN! Saving the world with permaculture!? With our pilot project in Uganda—the launch of the PLAYtoGROW initiative—we aim to establish permaculture learning spaces worldwide through entirely new and inspiring ways of learning. We use our Infinity Tools: innovative, reusable tools that revolutionize learning and creativity. These Infinity Tools are not only central to our project but are also available in our supporter packages, allowing you to use them
Raised: €0 / €37,000 Ends: 10th January 2025 07:59