#TellYourCrowd about:
Digital Skills for All https://thecrowdfundingcenter.com/v/10B711
A digital education initiative - Brief Introduction and backgroundGreetings, I'm Ayebare Newton from Kampala, Uganda. I am a computer graphics designer by profession and have been participating in the...
A digital education initiative - Brief Introduction and backgroundGreetings, I'm Ayebare Newton from Kampala, Uganda. I am a computer graphics designer by profession and have been participating in the ...
A digital education initiative - Brief Introduction and backgroundGreetings, I'm Ayebare Newton from Kampala, Uganda. I am a computer graphics designer by profession and have been participating in the world of blockchain and web3 industry for 6 years. My journey started back in 2018 after the record breaking bull run, since then I developed interest in the emerging new technologies such as blockchain and web 3, driving me to become an enthusiast this field.Beyond my interest in the sector, I've embraced the role of an educa