#TellYourCrowd about:
Chin Litaï - The Secret of Myanmar https://thecrowdfundingcenter.com/v/4573X5
Chin Litaï is Myanmar's youngest coffee cooperative. Its ambitious goal to process its own coffee! - /DEUTSCHE VERSION UNTENOUR GOALNat and her partners are setting out to accomplish something that s...
Chin Litaï is Myanmar's youngest coffee cooperative. Its ambitious goal to process its own coffee! - /DEUTSCHE VERSION UNTENOUR GOALNat and her partners are setting out to accomplish something that s ...
Chin Litaï is Myanmar's youngest coffee cooperative. Its ambitious goal to process its own coffee! - /DEUTSCHE VERSION UNTENOUR GOALNat and her partners are setting out to accomplish something that still seems impossible today: Produce and process coffee in Chin State!Together with our newly established cooperative, Chin Litaï, we are establishing a dry processing station in Kyaukthu, a small and sunny town near Chin Hills. This central station will be accessible equally for coffee producers from all three integrated townships, including about 350 villages.During dry processing coffee is laid on raised drying beds that allow air to circulate around the fruit. ‘De-hullling’, which is the final stage in green coffee production, involves removing the last layers of dry skin, then sorting and preparing the coffee beans for shipment.Freshly harvested Chin coffee, 11 January 2017
Raised: Fr14,036CHF / Fr14,000CHF Ends: 4th February 2017 09:00