#TellYourCrowd about:
DRUNK ON LIES, SOBER ON TRUTH https://thecrowdfundingcenter.com/v/X49426
A poetic guide for this crazy world! - The MissionTo release a book of poems that can hopefully have a positive impact on the world. It goes deeper into the political side of things; c...
A poetic guide for this crazy world! - The MissionTo release a book of poems that can hopefully have a positive impact on the world. It goes deeper into the political side of things; c ...
A poetic guide for this crazy world! - The MissionTo release a book of poems that can hopefully have a positive impact on the world. It goes deeper into the political side of things; corruption, billionaires cheating, global warming, Covid, vaccines, wars, cost of living crisis, mental health, suicide awareness, addiction and other topics. But I put a poetic spin on all these things we’ve had to deal with, crafting complex and thought provoking poems infused with elements of HipHop style and word play. Story
Raised: £118 / £2,415 Ends: 17th October 2024 07:59