Fifteen is a film highlighting the controversial policy of sending children to solitary in prison - FIFTEEN is a drama about love and death, the love between two teenagers, Sean and Lisa, and the deat...
Fifteen is a film highlighting the controversial policy of sending children to solitary in prison - FIFTEEN is a drama about love and death, the love between two teenagers, Sean and Lisa, and the deat ...
Fifteen is a film highlighting the controversial policy of sending children to solitary in prison - FIFTEEN is a drama about love and death, the love between two teenagers, Sean and Lisa, and the death of that love, extinguished when he gets sent to Young Offenders and kept in solitary for weeks on end, breaking his spirit and ensuring that he will never be the same person. Lewis is a screenwriter and playwright who has dedicated much of the last seventeen years to working with low-opportunity young people creating plays and screenplays to reconnect them with their creative pot
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