#TellYourCrowd about:
WONDERLIFE HERB CLINICAL TRIALS PROJECT https://thecrowdfundingcenter.com/v/72979X
Clinical Trials of a herb that has cured HIV/AIDS - Israel Mandishora Muzari is my name.I am a bishop with the Family of God Church and I am based in Melbourne, Australia at the moment. I discovered ...
Clinical Trials of a herb that has cured HIV/AIDS - Israel Mandishora Muzari is my name.I am a bishop with the Family of God Church and I am based in Melbourne, Australia at the moment. I discovered ...
Clinical Trials of a herb that has cured HIV/AIDS - Israel Mandishora Muzari is my name.I am a bishop with the Family of God Church and I am based in Melbourne, Australia at the moment. I discovered a herb that has yielded dramatic results with HIV/AIDS patients. Some of the patients later tested HIV negative and have remained in that status ever since. Although the herb brings relief for many other ailments, the focus shall for now remain that of HIV/AIDS for the purpose of this project. In a story reported by Newsday (a Zimbabwean daily n
Raised: $25 / $860,000 Ends: 30th October 2016 06:59